Finding Home at Keuka College: Transfer Student Thrives with New Friends, Supportive Community

Shaina Mondore and her mom say the experience of transferring to the College has exceeded their expectations.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Finding Home at Keuka College: Transfer Student Thrives with New Friends, Supportive Community

Keuka College was the change transfer student Shaina Mondore didn’t know she needed.

From a new network of friends to hands-on attention from her professors to the exciting opportunities afforded by Field Period® internships, Shaina hasn’t just found a new college, she’s found a new home since transferring from the now-closed Cazenovia College last fall.

“At Cazenovia College, Shaina didn’t have many friends and spent most of her time in her room,” said Shaina’s mom, Evelyn Carrington. “Now, she has a couple of different groups of friends, and I’ve met a few of them. She’s an Admissions Ambassador and Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing Pete Bekisz is one of her biggest fans. She loves going to the Wolf Den Café, basketball games, and the gym. This transition was made to happen.”

Shaina says she's not the only Cazenovia transplant who's blossoming at Keuka College.

“For Cazenovia students who didn’t come here, they are just doing their things,” she said. “But those who go here, I know they are settled … they are good. I have a friend on the lacrosse team and she said the team is so welcoming. Another friend has made so many other friends and is thriving. I know the people who came here are doing well." 

Shaina said she welcomes the individual attention and wealth of opportunities provided by her professors. An aspiring interior designer, Shaina said meeting Professor of Visual Communication Design Carrie Kehoe, solidified her decision to transfer. 

“Professor Kehoe was a big influence on me because she said, ‘I want to help you do what you want to do,’” said Shaina. “She showed me how I could take VCD and transfer that into interior design. And I can use my Field Periods to help … I am super grateful for her.”

Evelyn was equally impressed with Prof. Kehoe and the Field Period® opportunities. She called Field Period one of the College’s major selling points and one of the many programs that help ensure students like Shaina have every opportunity to succeed. 

But it took more than that to sell Shaina's mother on Keuka College. Among Evelyn's expectations was seeing that Shaina was happy and given the opportunities she deserved from a school that would meet her needs. She also wondered how many of Shaina’s first-year credits would transfer, and what would be the cost.

Those concerns were quickly abated. Keuka College accepted all of Shaina’s credits, met her scholarships, gave her a transfer grant, and ensured she would be able to graduate on time. 

“Shaina has had more opportunities here than she ever had before,” said Evelyn. "And this is not just Shaina’s experience. Keuka College does this for each student on campus. My daughter is happy – we’re happy!”

That is all Evelyn asked for.